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About Us

Welcome to Sangi Mitan Seva Sanstha


Addiction troubles not only the addicts but also the people around them.

Old Age

The goal is to provide a healthy and friendly environment to abandoned senior citizens.

Facilities For
Senior Citizen

Nutritious meals, recreation and medical facilities for the elderly people.


We provide cost-effective treatment specially for De-Addiction treatment.

Mamta's Values

Our Approach

Personalised, Holistic Approach

We believe that alcoholism and drug addiction is a disease and abstinence
is the best way to manage the condition

Each Patient Is Unique, So Is Each Treatment Plan

We Treat Mental Health Issues Simultaneously

Gentle Taper, Medically-Supervised Detoxification

Relapse Prevention Key to Long-Lasting Recovery

Let’s see the power to change the world with a manifesto.

We Work

Concept to provide a home environment

We are building a network of resilient communities across Chhattisgarh. Click on the view now to get to know some of the work where SMSS currently is implementing our proven approach.

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SMSS Forward!

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How Can We Help

We believe that alcoholism and drug addiction is a disease and abstinence is the best way to manage the condition.

Important Links

Contact Us

34/A, Bajaj Colony, Sec- 1, Raipur- 492001 (Chhattisgarh) INDIA
Opening Hours:
Mon – Sat: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

(Mamta Sharma)

Sangi Mitan Seva Sansthan (SMSS) © 2020. All Rights Reserved.